Nigeria - Asia Joint Trade Mission and Business Delegation is a bilateral innovative business platform set up to enhance trade, business, investment and economic opportunities.
We are pleased to inform you about the Trade & Investment Mission to Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, China, and Hong Kong. This mission is a joint trade mission initiative and results from our collaboration with our partner from the Business Council for Asia, The Governors of Nigeria and Trade Nigeria Organization.
The Trade Nigeria Organization trade center will organize and lead this joint Trade & Investment Mission to these countries later in the year. The focus will primarily be on investment in both countries and the main aim is to inform participants about the business opportunities available and for them to establish and expand their network in the region.
Nigeria-Asia Joint Trade Mission And Business Delegation are open to all sectors; efforts will be made to tailor parts of the program according to the business interests of the participants.
The event will comprise of formal evening receptions, some lunch meetings and a very full program of briefing and other business meetings.
Nigeria-Asia Joint Trade Mission And Business Delegation offers:
1. Coordinated Business-to-Business meetings
2. Cultural Evenings
3. Briefing sessions with Heads of Delegation, other Heads of Mission, Country Investment Authorities, Ministers and Government Bodies.
Nigeria-Asia Joint Trade Mission And Business Delegation 2019
China and
Hong Kong
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