A man has described how he purchased a thing in rush hour gridlock however couldn't quickly pay for it so he and the traffic seller achieved a concession to how he could pay later.
The Twitter client said he purchased a kick off link worth 2,500 Naira from a roadside vendor while in rush hour gridlock. Just before he could pay, traffic began moving and the peddler continued pursuing him. He couldn't achieve his wallet now and needed to restore the link. Be that as it may, the peddler gravely expected to make the deal.
The traffic peddler who offered to him at that point let him drive off with the thing after he guaranteed to pay later. The peddler gathered his card and sent him a message with his record subtleties.
At the point when the man in the long run moved cash to the road broker, he paid him 5,000 Naira, instead of the concurred 2,500. He revealed to him that the 100% tip is for confiding in him.
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