In spite of the fact that there were two forms regarding how the occurrence occurred, an onlooker said amid a warmed contention one of the men snatched a blade from an adjacent slow down with which he wounded the other man.
The onlooker, Tunde Ajayi, stated: "There was a contention among them, who were in their late 30s. Individuals around were notwithstanding attempting to isolate them, however the contention deteriorated into fisticuffs.
"In the resulting skirmish, one of them kept running into an adjacent slow down, where blades are sold, gotten one and cut the other on the chest.
"In a split second, blood began overflowing out of the person in question. In snappy response, the group got the aggressor to keep him from getting away. He was beaten blue-dark before he was additionally cut."
Another forms of the story had it that the two contenders wounded themselves to death amid the fight.
Police arrived the scene and moved the bodies to funeral home.
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