GLOBE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE is also the international business organization, helping businesses of all sizes and kind in all countries to operate both internationally and responsibly. GCC is governed by its Executive Board, GLOBAL BUSINESS Council, Chairmanship and Secretary General.Our unique global network spans over 20 million members in more than 156 countries. This makes us the only business organization to so broadly representative every facet of business. As the international business organization, we have the network and experience to offer you an unrivaled opportunity to build partnerships around the world and growth both big and small business. FACE OF THE WORLD ORGANISATION AND WORLD TRADE SUMMIT AND EXPO-WTSE are the major global joint partner,initiator and membership.BUCHI GEORGE, is the
GLOBE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE is also the international business organization, helping businesses of all sizes and kind in all countries to operate both internationally and responsibly. GCC is governed by its Executive Board, GLOBAL BUSINESS Council, Chairmanship and Secretary General.Our unique global network spans over 20 million members in more than 156 countries. This makes us the only business organization to so broadly representative every facet of business. As the international business organization, we have the network and experience to offer you an unrivaled opportunity to build partnerships around the world and growth both big and small business. FACE OF THE WORLD ORGANISATION AND WORLD TRADE SUMMIT AND EXPO-WTSE are the major global joint partner,initiator and membership.BUCHI GEORGE, is the
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