Benefits Of Baking Soda For Teeth And General Oral Health - FOW 24 NEWS

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Benefits Of Baking Soda For Teeth And General Oral Health

Baking soda is one of the roasting ingredients that can be easily found in the kitchen, market, and near the shop, especially stores that sell bread ingredients.

 However, baking soda is commonly used as part of the chemistry class to make the replica process of volcanoes, so you do not need to be surprised if you can find baking soda in stores that sell chemical compounds as well. 

This means that baking soda is not only for baking but there are many benefits of baking soda and some benefits to the teeth.

What is baking soda?

Baking soda is a chemical compound known as sodium bicarbonate. The term baking soda is used because this chemical compound is usually used for cooking or baking. However, sodium bicarbonate is also used for cleaning and toothpaste.

 The chemical formula is NaHCO3, so it is a mixture of sodium ions and bicarbonate ions. The function of baking soda in bread is to lift the dough and make the cakes more fragile.

 During cleaning, baking soda can help lift spots when sodium bicarbonate meets with something acidic like vinegar or lemon juice. Moreover, there are more benefits to human health such as the benefits of baking soda for beauty or the benefits of washing the hair with baking soda. 

What is the function of baking soda for teeth? Well, as mentioned above, sodium bicarbonate is also used as a toothpaste ingredient and the list of benefits of baking soda for teeth below will tell you more about this amazing chemical compound which at some point can really do good magic.

Benefits of baking soda to teeth

Who does not want to have clean, healthy white teeth? Some people spend a lot of money to go to a dentist regularly while others prefer to do cosmetic dentistry. However, for regular and daily care, you can use baking soda to keep your teeth healthy. Below is a list of the benefits of baking soda for teeth that you should know.

He fought bad breath

Having bad breath is a big problem because it can put someone at the most embarrassing moment. It is not fatal to health, but it can put your social life in the end. This is why bad breath is not something you can consider as a matter of course. 

This condition is known as bad breath. This condition occurs when the acid level increases due to some sugar and protein residue in the mouth. Rinse mouth with a mixture of water and baking soda can help balance acidity level and fight bad breath effectively.

Reduces the risk of periodontal disease

One of the known periodontal diseases is gingivitis which occurs due to the accumulation of plaque. The problem is that this condition is common to occur with symptoms such as swelling, ulcers and bleeding gums, people taking this condition for granted. 

The truth is that if this condition is left untreated, serious conditions can occur, some of which may be deadly. However, using baking soda regularly can help reduce the risk of periodontal disease such as gingivitis because it can prevent the formation and accumulation of plaque.

Treat mouth ulcers

One of the most common oral diseases that occur is a sore mouth. This condition is not easy to deal with because the recovery process is long and painful.

However, regularly rinsing your mouth with a mixture of water and baking soda can help treat oral ulcers effectively and naturally because balancing the acid level in the oral organ will help speed up the healing process by preventing further infection.

Natural teeth whitening

You should be surprised when you discover that one of the main ingredients in your pet toothpaste is actually sodium bicarbonate or known as baking soda. 

As mentioned above, baking soda when met with water or acids will form bubbles that can help remove stains, including stains in the teeth. So, if you want to have healthy, white and clean teeth, why not start brushing and rinse your mouth with baking soda?

Helps reduce the symptoms of dental pain

Dental pain is common, although most cases are not fatal but may be very troublesome. Those who have suffered from dental pain should know how their lives can be upside down because dental pain can be really painful. 

Well, to help reduce symptoms, you can rinse your mouth with baking soda. 

The effective compound will help balance the acid in the mouth and kill the bacteria to prevent further infection while the sodium content can act as an anti-inflammatory to reduce pain.

Balances the level of acidity in the oral system

Did you know that the level of imbalance of acid in your body can lead to several health problems? The same is true in the oral system. The higher the level of acid in the mouth can lead to cases such as bad breath, gingivitis, oral ulcers and so on.

 By cleaning or cleaning your mouth with baking soda can help balance the level of acidity and reduce the risk of the conditions mentioned.

Replaces toothpaste

There should be a time when you run out of toothpaste and get out of the house without brushing your teeth is not an option at all. However, baking soda is one of the most things you can find in the kitchen so you can use baking soda to replace toothpaste. 

In fact, although it may be a bit chaotic there are a lot of people who are starting to use baking soda to clean their teeth because there are so many health benefits to cleaning your teeth using baking soda.

Improves oral health

From all of the above, you can summarize that using baking soda as a toothpaste or rinse mouth can help improve oral health significantly. Moreover, it is easy to find soda bicarbonate at reasonable prices.
Benefits Of Baking Soda For Teeth And General Oral Health Reviewed by FOW 24 News on June 14, 2018 Rating: 5 Baking soda is one of the roasting ingredients that can be easily found in the kitchen, market, and near the shop, especially stores that...

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